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Please submit video clips to claims@narsrepo.com and put the date of the incident, Vin number if any in the subject line, reference your name in the email.
I understand that my signature below certifies, under penalty of perjury, that the information submitted by me is true and correct.
I understand that any false or misleading information submitted by me will result in a denial of this claim and possible criminal prosecution, under state law for insurance fraud.
Attach a legible copy of your State issued identification or your claim will not be considered. Your failure to cooperate will result in a denial of your claim.
Your cooperation with the claims handler during our investigation is necessary to properly evaluate your claim. Your lack of cooperation may result in a denial of your claim.
Our investigation, which may consist of, but not limited to, interviewing witnesses and individuals who may have any knowledge of the issues described by you.
By electronically executing this claim form, I am declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained herein is true and correct.